eWBL News
Stay up to date with the latest developments and milestones of eWBL (Work-based learning) project.
​Conclusion of the eWBL project with two multiplier events in Slovenia

191. december 2024
The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana organised two multiplier events within the eWBL project.
The first one took place in an online environment on 5 November 2024, where the results of the eWBL project were presented. 29 participants from Slovenia, Italy and Finland were introduced to the tools, framework and phases of eWork Based Learning through an interactive presentation.
As part of the presentation, we also hosted a student from Finland, who carried out her practical training in a digital environment at the Peace Education Institute. A group discussion followed on the main advantages and disadvantages of working and doing WBL remotely, in our case an online internship (compared to working on-site in an office, classroom, lab, company, etc.). Many suggestions were made by the participants, followed by a short discussion and a presentation of the eWBL project results.
Then the participants were divided into 6 groups (break rooms) and carried out a practical exercise for the onboarding phase. The roles they played were: student, company mentor and company/organisation management. As a starting point, video from the eWBL onboarding phase was played to the participants. Their task was to identify the key dimensions to be taken into account during the onboarding phase. The management of the company/organisation gave concrete suggestions on what they need to pay attention to and what they need to do at the beginning when they are inducting a student into the WBL. The mentors in the company/organisation gave suggestions on what the mentor needs to do at the beginning when the student comes to the training. Similarly, students gave suggestions on how to approach the beginning of the training in the company.
The second multiplier event took place in Koper, at the premises and co-organised by PiNA. During the live event, we first thematically positioned the relevant content of the event with 10 participants and presented the sensitisation of the needs of the WBL field. We presented the toolbox for digital WBL and the individual phases (design, preparation, onboarding, delivery, assessment and evaluation, and quality assurance as the crosscutting phase).
The event took the form of an interactive workshop, using practical examples and "icebreakers" (Mentimeter, creating a student placement plan taking into account the dimensions of the digital environment). We were also joined by a student from the University of Primorska, who spoke about their experience of conducting WBL in the History study programme in a regional museum. We concluded with a short discussion on the relevant aspects of the WBL, which we conducted using the "World Café" method.