eWBL News
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eWBL Project Holds 4th Transnational Project Meeting in Milan

11. october 2024
The eWBL project, an initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of remote work-based learning in Europe, recently held its 4th Consortium Meeting in Milan, Italy. The two-day event, which took place on October 10-11, 2024, brought together partners from across Europe to discuss progress and plan future activities.
A primary focus of the meeting was the evaluation of the project's toolkit. The consortium reviewed feedback from master trainers who had tested the kit in real-world scenarios. Based on this valuable input, partners worked collaboratively to implement necessary changes and improvements, ensuring the toolkit's effectiveness and relevance.
Recognizing the need for additional support, the consortium made an important decision to create a comprehensive slide deck for master trainers. This new resource aims to facilitate the application of project materials, making it easier for trainers to effectively utilize the toolkit in various educational and professional settings.
A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to planning upcoming Multiplier Events. These events will serve as platforms to showcase the project and its developed materials to a diverse audience, including academics, practitioners, and students interested in work-based learning. The consortium discussed strategies to maximize the impact of these events and ensure wide dissemination of the project's outcomes.
As the eWBL project is scheduled to conclude at the end of the year, partners engaged in critical discussions about the sustainability of the project's results. The consortium explored ways to ensure the long-term impact and continued relevance of the project's outputs beyond its official end date, demonstrating a commitment to creating lasting value in the field of work-based learning.
This productive meeting marks an important milestone for the eWBL project, highlighting the partners' dedication to enhancing work-based learning across Europe and ensuring the project's legacy continues well into the future.
About eWBL
The eWBL project aims to improve the quality of remote work-based learning by developing innovative tools and methodologies. By bringing together experts from various European countries, the project seeks to create a more integrated and effective approach to work-based learning across the continent.
This 4th Consortium Meeting marks a significant milestone in the project's timeline, demonstrating the partners' commitment to achieving the project's objectives and ensuring its lasting impact on the European education and training landscape.
For more information about the eWBL project and its outcomes, visit www.ewbl-project.com.
By Katrin Uude